Updated XProtectWatch now with terminal-notifier
XProtectWatch 1.1.0 (now with terminal-notifier support) I have updated XProtectWatch to now utilize terminal-notifier “a command-line tool to send Mac OS X User Notifications, which are available...
XProtectWatch 1.1.0 (now with terminal-notifier support) I have updated XProtectWatch to now utilize terminal-notifier “a command-line tool to send Mac OS X User Notifications, which are available...
On Feb 19, 2013 11:48 PM Topher Kessler releases his article for CNET that New Mac malware opens secure reverse shell is out, “but has not yet been determined to be much of a threat”. His article ...
Thursday January 31, 2013 11:55am - 12:40pm
Today, Intego announced of a new trojan designed for the Mac dubbed “DevilRobber”.