MacDMV Regex-101 Presentation (Part 2)

MacDMV Regex-101 Presentation (Part 2)

NOTE: Again, I was going to give this presentation for MacDMV this month, however, due to unannounced circumstances I won’t be able to present. Here is what I was going to post immediately followi...

MacDMV Regex-101 Presentation (Part 1)

MacDMV Regex-101 Presentation (Part 1)

NOTE: I was going to give this presentation for MacDMV this month, however, due to unannounced circumstances I won’t be able to present. Here is what I was going to post immediately following the ...

New binaries in Yosemite

New binaries in Yosemite

Every year I like to dig a little around some default paths to see what new binaries will be available to assist in deployment or troubleshooting. I use a simple easy script that generates a list ...