
New binaries in Yosemite

New binaries in Yosemite

Every year I like to dig a little around some default paths to see what new binaries will be available to assist in deployment or troubleshooting. I use a simple easy script that generates a list ...

DEP and VPP Notes from MacDMV Group Meeting

DEP and VPP Notes from MacDMV Group Meeting

On May 1st, MacDMV’s second “tech” session took place covering Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and how it relates to JAMF Software’s Casper Suite, a little about VPPMD (because once you sta...

Working with VPP and DEP Apple IDs

Working with VPP and DEP Apple IDs

These are notes about getting the Apple IDS and their two-step verification authentication ready for Apples Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) and Device Enrollment Program (DEP). WORST case give you...

Using .p12 or JKS files with OS X

Using .p12 or JKS files with OS X

My test CrashPlan PROe (CPPe, a.k.a “Black”) environment has been troubled with this VMware Fusion bug where linking a shared folder has some issues with read/write. The result was anytime a clien...

VPP 2.0 Presentation

VPP 2.0 Presentation

Yesterday I was able to present to the local DC, VA, MD Mac User Group MacDMV on VPP. I felt it was a great success for our first knowledge focus event, and glad things are now in-gear. As I ment...

MacDMV: New DC, MD, VA Mac Admin Group

MacDMV: New DC, MD, VA Mac Admin Group

Last Friday I was feeling a little jealous of the San Francisco area Mac Admin’s group Macbrained on getting a group of individuals together to discuss new items in the Apple world (Mavericks and i...

Updated XProtectWatch now with terminal-notifier

Updated XProtectWatch now with terminal-notifier

XProtectWatch 1.1.0 (now with terminal-notifier support) I have updated XProtectWatch to now utilize terminal-notifier “a command-line tool to send Mac OS X User Notifications, which are available...

XProtect updated - 2013.02.26

XProtect updated - 2013.02.26

On Feb 19, 2013 11:48 PM Topher Kessler releases his article for CNET that New Mac malware opens secure reverse shell is out, “but has not yet been determined to be much of a threat”. His article ...

'The Switcher Chronicles' - Screen Shots

‘The Switcher Chronicles’ - Screen Shots

Confession, I FORCED my wife to be a “switcher”. Yes, I forced her to start using OS X, because Christmas 2012 I purchased a new laptop for her at her request (she didn’t specify a brand… and um… ...

Migrate OSX 10.6 Wiki to 10.8 with lost Directory

Migrate OSX 10.6 Wiki to 10.8 with lost Directory

This title is very specific and may not be everyone’s exact scenario, however, there was plenty of beneficial items in my latest exercise with Wiki data on OS X; specifically taking old 10.6 Wiki d...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: What Changed?

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: What Changed?

I’ve posted several docs already on what I see as big changes from a Server Admin point of view which includes moving the rest of the supported applications from Server Admin to With th...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Websites and Wiki

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Websites and Wiki

Websites (f.k.a Web) and Wiki have already been moved to when Lion Server was released, so I didn’t expect much to change, but upon review there is a twinkle of Advanced option for Mac A...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Software Update

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Software Update

In the beginning of Mt Lion, there was a large scare that Apple was going to remove the current process of Software Updates (where in an enterprise environment has control of which update is made a...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Open Directory

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Open Directory

The concepts for installing Open Directory is exactly the same as previous versions of OS X Server. Select whichever you want (Master or Replica) and walk through the assistant to get your ODM/ODR ...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: NetInstall

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: NetInstall

From a pure functional standpoint, I don’t see any major difference between what is available in prior versions of OS X Server in terms of NetBoot service to the Mt Lion version; other than it is n...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Install

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: Install

When first viewing Mountain Lion (MT Lion) Server, you can understand that Apple had a long-term goal of making the most common things VERY easy and simple to administer. Consolidating service func...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: File Sharing and FTP

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: File Sharing and FTP

In terms of File Sharing, there is really nothing different from Lion to Mt Lion. There is a bonus for iOS users in EDU in that you can now create a WebDAV “DropBox” for students submitting their a...

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: DNS

10.8 Mountain Lion Server: DNS

You have just installed Mountain Lion Server, now what!? Going on the assumption you are staring at right after a clean install, the first thing that needs attention is DNS!

Macworld 2012 Recap and Review

Macworld 2012 Recap and Review

Wow, I can honestly say that this year’s Macworld was awesome!  The fans and sponsors were great, but I must give my biased applause towards the speakers and MacIT Advisory Board for their superb j...

Configuring IPv6 DNS on Mac OS X Server

Configuring IPv6 DNS on Mac OS X Server

Over the past several months, my company has been dealing with AD/OD integrations with Lion 10.7.2 and the customer’s environment is using “.local”. If you are not familiar with the history between...

Working With IPv6 and Mac OS X

Working With IPv6 and Mac OS X

I don’t feel that anyone reading this in 2012 has never heard of IPv6. The easiest way to put it it’s a combinations of HEX values to make a big ugly “thing” that represents your computer. IPv4 was...

Remove Diginotar CA Certificate

Remove Diginotar CA Certificate

First, I want to say thanks to Edward Marczak for his original post on how to remove the Diginotar CA Certificate, and his forward thinking about how to do this from a System Admin perspective. I w...

Using S/MIME With Apple Mail

Using S/MIME With Apple Mail

Most likely you have already figured out how to use your new email certificate in Mail as my article on How to get a free S/MIME Certificate was posted almost a month ago.

S/MIME Email Certificates in-Depth

S/MIME Email Certificates in-Depth

We have discussed the basics of S/MIME in my post What Is S/MIME Email and Why Should I Be Using It, and from the last article Acquiring a S/MIME Certificate for Free you should have your S/MIME ce...

Acquiring a S/MIME Certificate for Free

Acquiring a S/MIME Certificate for Free

From the last article, I hope you are now wondering “where do I get this awesome thing called S/MIME certificate!”, and the other kicker “What’s it going to cost me?” Well you are in luck because e...

What Is S/MIME Email and Why Should I Be Using It

What Is S/MIME Email and Why Should I Be Using It

During the WWDC 2011 keynote, Apple announced that iOS 5 was going to have the capabilities of S/MIME. With that new feature announcement, it becomes a perfect topic to kick off my Foundations segm...

Hey Look... This Thing Works!

Hey Look… This Thing Works!

I have had intentions for some time on using my site for something other than announcements of Macworld/MacTech sessions, photographs while traveling for my job, and a simple resume placeholder. No...