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Adventure Enablers: Resolution Trail Run 2018

Adventure Enablers: Resolution Trail Run 2018

Short Race report, as I was able to participate in Adventure Enablers’ Resolution Run for the second year in a row. The original goal was to run with the family like last year1, so I wasn’t thinking about actually “racing”… but more as a motivator for the younger two as they were going to attempt the 5k vs. the 1mile fun run. The 11° temperature was a little too cold for these East-Coast kids. ↩ [ Read More... ]

EX2 Adventures: Fall Backyard Burn - Riverbend 2017

EX2 Adventures: Fall Backyard Burn - Riverbend 2017

Not really a race report, more of just letting people know I am still functioning after Ironman Louisville (IMLOU) and that I’m out having fun! Trying to get outside to enjoy the lovely Virginia trails during the fall season, now that the fall foliage is in full effect and I don’t have to worry about getting injured and jeopardizing my “A race”. [ Read More... ]

IRONMAN: Louisville 2017 Race Report

IRONMAN: Louisville 2017 Race Report

It is impossible to describe the feeling when crossing the finish line of your first IRONMAN. The sense of accomplishment is obvious, along with the overwhelming joy of finishing a race. There is also a sadness in that your long-time (almost a year) commitment of training for this one day… and it has now come to fruition. Since my audience consists of 12-15 people which is split between immediate family (who think I’m insane) and fellow triathletes who may or may not have completed a Full 140.6 triathlon, I hope to have something interesting to describe and keep everyone entertain on this post. So sit down, get your Nuun and Stringer gels ready, then buckle-up for a long “Full” Race Report post of IRONMAN Louisville 2017. [ Read More... ]

Reston Century Ride 2017

Reston Century Ride 2017

On Sunday I completed my first Century (100 mile) ride! Just one more step closer to getting ready for my long race this October, but has boosted my confidence that I may actually complete the race and not fall over from physical exhaustion. [ Read More... ]

Rev3: Sizzling Sprint 2017 Race Report

Rev3: Sizzling Sprint 2017 Race Report

Rev3 Sizzling Sprint is the last sprint race hosted by Rev3, and my last Sprint for 2017. I was hoping to have an improvement since May where the Salute Sprint was held and is the same course, plus it is nice to think that over the past couple of months I would improve in at least one of the events (at least just a little). Being the last race of the Rev3 Series, there was double pressure for me to get on the podium to protect my overall standing and try to win my Age Group division. [ Read More... ]