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USAT National Championship 2018

USAT National Championship 2018

For the past couple of years I’ve been doing pretty well in the local triathlon races by placing 1st or 2nd in my age group (AG), which qualified me for the USAT Age Group Nationals Championship (“Nationals” from this point forward). For the past two years Nationals has been located in Omaha, NE, and that induced logistical issues that I never felt like overcoming. This year Nationals is located in Cleveland, OH. With family living in Indiana and Ohio, plus Cleveland being drivable within 8 hours… I had no excuse to finally accept my qualifications and try to compete against the best of the best in my sport. Nationals is a collection of all the individuals who placed in the top 10% of their age group over the past year. To say “the field is stacked” is an understatement. [ Read More... ]

CMS: XTERRA Charlottesville 2018 Race Report

CMS: XTERRA Charlottesville 2018 Race Report

This is a race report for the XTERRA Charlottesville Sprint. I chose the sprint distance as I was also traveling for work to Costa Rica and wasn’t sure how well the hotel gym accommodations would be, thus had concerns on bring able to race at a peak performance. Since I had time and traveling working against me, I signed up for the sprint to have FUN. [ Read More... ]

XTERRA Myrtle Beach 2018 Race Report

XTERRA Myrtle Beach 2018 Race Report

After having a great time completing the Pocahontas Run and Ride, my Speed Sherpa teammate asked me if I also wanted to register for XTERRA Myrtle Beach. This was definitely not in my 2018 race plan, and the event was only in three weeks. But I was feeling great after Pocahontas, so I did some quick Google searching about the XTERRA Myrtle Beach to see how long the three segments were listed and to figure out how long of a drive it would take to get there. Luckily1, I had already requested an extended weekend from work so I had plenty of time to get myself ready and drive down to South Carolina on Thursday. Or unlucky depending on your point of view. I had something else already planned but that event fell apart only a week prior, so I had nothing scheduled for the weekend. ↩ [ Read More... ]

Adventure Enablers: Pocahontas Run and Ride 2018

Adventure Enablers: Pocahontas Run and Ride 2018

It’s another race weekend and once again I find myself participating in a well organized Adventure Enabler event! The weather was MUCH better when compared to 2018 Early Mountain Vineyards cold needle infested ice rain that we had a couple weeks ago. The morning had a slight chill with temperatures just under 40°F, but by 9:00 am you could feel the sun warming the air and you just knew it was going to be a good spring day. [ Read More... ]

Adventure Enablers: Early Mountain Vineyards Run and Ride 2018

Adventure Enablers: Early Mountain Vineyards Run and Ride 2018

First two races of the year are already in the bag with Adventure Enablers Run/Ride events at Early Mountain Vineyards. I did not perform very well last year, so I had a lot of personally imposed pressure to not only hit my goals for the MTB, while “trying” to be mindful that I am just over two weeks into my recovery from surgery. [ Read More... ]