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Reston Olympic 2019 Race Report

Reston Olympic 2019 Race Report

Every race is unique to its own. I’m learning that more and more as I’ve now documented nearly 40 race reports, and this is the first time that I (successfully) completed the same race three times. This weekend I participated in the 36th annual Reston Triathlon. The first two times I did this race was back in 2014 (undocumented) and 2015. Fortunately, I did have enough information in the 2015 post to compare my new results, but the more I read the more I realized the day of the race makes a difference. [ Read More... ]

eco-x: MMTR 2018

eco-x: MMTR 2018

Mountain Masochist Trail Run (MMTR) is a point-to-point 50 mile course of roads, jeep trails, and single track with perfectly timed aid stations to help support as you travel through George Washington National Forest, Pedlar Ranger District, as well as some Private Land. I decided to officially pick up this race just before racing Nationals, because I was feeling good and confident with my level of fitness. Plus, I knew the months ahead I was going to get ready for IRONMAN North Carolina thus endurance training was right around the corner. What I didn’t know was IRONMAN would be canceled because of Hurricane Florance, my job was going to become more stressful, and I would be plagued with injuries the last three weeks of October. I was not adequately prepared for MMTR. [ Read More... ]

Great Smoky Mountains

Great Smoky Mountains

Wow! It has been a long time since I’ve posted a photography article only! I didn’t do any image modifications (Curves, saturation, vignette, etc) to these pictures as I wanted to keep the beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains intact. [ Read More... ]