After last weekā€™s poor swim performance at Jamestown International, I decided I need more opportunities for Open Water Swim (OWS) to get out of this head funk I have for swimming. Fortunately there was another race this weekend, the Rev3 Montclair Sprint! This was a good race to participate for two reasons:

  • The event was close to our home which eliminated any need for a hotel stay or any extra time away from the family as this was a last minute decision.
  • It was a short Sprint distance (750 meter swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run) so it wouldnā€™t take too much time away from any planned Fatherā€™s Day activities.

The main goal of this race was fun! So, no post-race thoughtsā€¦ no section-by-section analysis, just confirmation that I went out and did a OWS in a lake with no wetsuit and didnā€™t hate (all) of it. Plus, I was able to spend some great face-to-face time with teammates that I havenā€™t seen since our Sherpa Virginia Training Camp.

Last but not least, I had a pretty awesome private cheering section.


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